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Have your cake,
and eat it too
Lead identification and
intelligent web analytics to grow your business
Identify you website visitors

Grow your business

Identify you website visitors

Grow your business

Company Reach
The size of the Leads5050 global matched IP database of company addresses, giving you incredible insights
Irish Businesses
Over 600 businesses are now using Leads5050 to identify visitors to their websites
B2B Visitors Identified
On average, we have been able to identify 22%+ of the visiting customers to B2B websites
Platform Overview
The software has helped us reach more customers and increased sales.
Steve G., Sales & Marketing Director
Identify the companies visiting your website. Identify which services or products are most popular with visitors
LinkedIn Integrations – Get company Information and identify possible company contacts
Lead Growth & Identification – Leads5050 Growth Service. Focus and improve lead touch points
Dont' miss an opportunity!
Website Visitor Tracking Software with a Difference
Use our website visitor tracking software to give you the information you need to make lead generation as simple as possible
Identify your website visitors
Identify your B2B leads. Uncover the identity of your website visitors.
Visitor Information
Find out the name, location and web address of your site visitor.
Filter your information
You decide on what information you would like to look at.
Categorise your leads
Allocate your leads: Lead, Prospect, Customer or Competitor.
Who is looking at what
Discover which leads are looking at each of your services or products.
Assign names
Assign names to leads, clients and competitors who visit your site.
Visitor interests
Checkout what products or services your customer is looking at.
Site visit statistics
View all the visits to your site: direct, search, ads, social media, etc.
Email Notifications
We send email notifications. You just have to choose how often.
Frequently asked questions
How does it work?
We use a small piece of code, just like Google Analytics, which tracks the IP addresses of the visitors to your website.
Each IP address is analysed against the companies in our database. We track company IP addresses, ISPs and other irrelevant traffic. We do allow you to display the leads focusing just on quality leads.
How can I tell how many companies per month I need?
The best way to find out is by signing up for your free credits.
All pricing is based on the number of companies that visit your website. This is generally 20%+ of your website traffic.
Can I change my plan after signing up?
In subscription plans, you can upgrade or downgrade on a pro rate basis. Changing your plan can be managed in your dashboard.
Is it GDPR compliant?
Yes, Leads5050 is fully compliant with all GDPR requirements .
What happens after I use my FREE credits?
At the end of using your free credits, you will NOT be charged unless you decide to take up a paid subscription or buy pay as you go credits. Free credits will renew every month, but data will not be captured during the period that the credits are exhausted.
If you have purchased a subscription or credits while still using your free credits, the relevant free credits will be added to your remaining credits.
Should I get credits or a subscription?
If you have a one-off need or would like to try Leads5050, credits are a great option. Buy just enough for the lead information that you need. The more you buy, the less they cost.
If you want to enhance your on-going lead generation capability, you'll get the best value with a Leads5050 subscription. With monthly and annual plans available, you can enjoy huge savings and help boost your lead information without making a huge commitment.
How long are my credits valid for?
All credits can be accrued up to 1 year of credits relative to the package selected (for example if you purchase the Pro package then you can accrue up to 18000 credits). Oldest credits will be expired first.
If you do not sign into your account at least once a year then it will be assumed that your account is dormant and your account may be closed in which case all credits will be lost.
What happens if I don't have enough subscription credits each month?
Your subscription gives you access to a set number of credits each month. You can upgrade to the next package, purchase PAYGO credits or contact us if you don't have enough subscription credits.
If I choose an annual subscription, will I be charged the total amount?
At checkout, you will be charged in one single payment for an annual subscription.
How do I cancel a subscription?
Go to your dashboard to cancel your subscription at any time.