Find out who is visiting your website and what they are interested in!

Discover new prospects and monitor existing customers

Identify company name, Identify company website, Identify potential visitor with LinkedIn integration, Find out what products or services, Find out how your webpages are performing

Dont’ miss an opportunity!

Identify the B2B companies that visit to your website

Only 2% of visitors leave their contact details

Turn anonymous traffic into real company names

Find out what products/services your customers are interested in

Identify visitors with Leads5050, with our LinkedIn integration

Leads5050 - lead generation

Find out which companies are visiting your website

What products or services are they interested in

Dont’ miss an opportunity!

Find the B2B decision makers who visit to your website

Find the B2B decision makers who visit to your website

Use the Leads5050 LinkedIn integration to determine the best person to contact from a visiting company.

Use the Leads5050 LinkedIn integration to determine the best person to contact from a visiting company.

  • Search for decision makers in the company’s LinkedIn profile
  • Filter the contacts based on their location, job role or senority
  • Store location, website address, potential contact and LinkedIn profile

Improve SEO and get more leads

Find out how your key pages are performing on Google

Organic clicks accounted for 45% of all search results in 2022

Find out how your key pages are performing for on-page optimisation

Fix the SEO issues and drive more leads to your website

Leads5050 SEO

Find out how your key webpages are performing. Use this information and update your site to perform better on Google.



Company Reach

The size of the Leads5050 global matched IP database of company addresses, giving you incredible insights


Irish Businesses

Over 600 businesses are now using Leads5050 to identify visitors to their websites


B2B Visitors Identified

On average, we have been able to identify 22%+ of the visiting customers to B2B websites

Dont' miss an opportunity!

Website Visitor Tracking Software with a Difference

Use our website visitor tracking software to give you the information you need to make lead generation as simple as possible

Identify your website visitors

Identify your B2B leads. Uncover the identity of your website visitors.

Visitor Information

Find out the name, location and web address of your site visitor.

Filter your information

You decide on what information you would like to look at.


Categorise your leads

Allocate your leads: Lead, Prospect, Customer or Competitor.

Who is looking at what

Discover which leads are looking at each of your services or products.

Assign names

Assign names to leads, clients and competitors who visit your site.

Visitor interests

Checkout what products or services your customer is looking at.


Site visit statistics

View all the visits to your site: direct, search, ads, social media, etc.

Email Notifications

We send email notifications. You just have to choose how often.