Leads5050 and GDPR

Using marketing insights to generate leads.

GDPR and Leads5050

 What is GDPR?

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR  – Regulation (EU) 2016/679), was developed by the European parliament and came into force on the 25 May 2018. This regulation is designed to simplify and unify data protection laws across all countries in the EU, and to offer better protection for individual EU citizens. GDPR applies to any organisation which holds or processes information about residents of the EU.


Leads5050 is committed to being compliant with GDPR

Leads5050 captures data to reveal the names and browsing behaviour of companies visiting a website. Leads5050 collects data about businesses and visitor information. We do not capture data directly linked to the person visiting the website. All data transferred is stored on our dedicated servers and is encoded.

Tracker: The Leads5050 tracker is added to your website. This tracker is set for the website domain only, Leads5050 does not use 3rd party trackers or cookies.

Using Leads5050 and complying with GDPR: If you use Leads5050 and want to comply with GDPR or any other Data Protection legislation we recommend that you state your usage of Leads5050 in any places you list your usage of tracking and cookies. It is your responsibility to understand the data that we capture and to convince yourself that this meets any Data Protection legislation that pertains to you or your business.

Additional Information

Leads5050 does not capture Personal information that can be related back to an individual user. This software is intended for clients who have a legitimate interest in which businesses are interested in their products.

View Schedule 1A: Lead Monitoring for more information about data capture using Leads5050.

Leads5050 identifies potential new leads

Where possible, Leads5050 captures information about companies but does not capture any information that can be related directly to a particular person.



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