Account-Based Marketing and Leads5050

The use of Account-Based Marketing, especially among B2Bs has been on the rise in recent years. It is one of the most rewarding and effective marketing strategies in business and when implemented correctly it can be extremely rewarding to businesses.

This article will delve into what exactly ABM is and how leads5050 make it a viable marketing and sales strategy for your business.


What is Account-Based Marketing?

Account-Based Marketing, or ABM, is a marketing strategy that focuses on creating highly personalized campaigns for a specific set of businesses. Some campaigns even go further and target specific people – usually top management – within those businesses.

Dig deep into your website analytics and reporting tools to see who your regular visitors are. When you find ideal companies within Leads5050 it is important to do some due diligence.

Pay attention to their challenges, what they may be looking for from your business, if you had past interactions, what you can offer them now, what answers they have been searching for and much more.

In this way, you can develop personalized campaigns that target specific companies and industries.

Many B2B marketers see ABM as a cheaper (albeit time-consuming) and more effective marketing strategy than the traditional Demand Generation method that’s akin to casting a wide net in a shallow end hoping to catch a shark. The fact that more than 90% of businesses who use ABM report positive results are a testament to that.

While almost every B2B can use ABM, the strategy is more suited for use on enterprise-level clients due to the sheer amount of work involved. It also works much better when the sales and marketing units are fully in sync with each other. Above all, there should be a willingness – and ability – to use automation (email follow-ups, automated lead generation, etc.) to streamline the process.


How to Use ABM For Your Business

Now that you know what account-based marketing is and how it can help your bottom line, let’s see how you can integrate it into your marketing processes.


Step 1: Identify Your Target Companies

You can’t create content for faceless people. Your first step should be to unveil your website’s visitors and note all the potential leads within your analytics. Leads5050 does this for you through several channels for example:


  • Frequent visitors – This will look at your most recent visitors over a given time.
  • Lead Funnel– Will highlight potential leads, customers visits, Suppliers etc.
  • Most popular pages– The pages which receive the most traffic and who has visited them.
  • Country pages– This channel will show you from which countries you receive most of your visitors.

It is up to your marketing team to evaluate which leads have the most potential and how best to use ABM to target these leads. Your efforts should lead to increased trust and allow your company to eventually capitalize on the work that has been put in.

Pay particular attention to high-value companies as they will give you the best return for your efforts.

Step 2. Rank Your Prospects

A potential next step would be to list all the prospects on a spreadsheet then give them points based on their likelihood to convert. Give additional points to prospects who have visited your site several times, or who follow your social pages. The more points a given prospect ends up with, the more effort you should put in to convert them.

Alternatively examine closely the information provided by Leads5050, although it is not a fool-proof system, Leads5050 intuitiveness takes away a lot of the mundane task from your end. Many potential leads are already categorized, it is now up to you to study these leads and formulate a marketing and sales funnel that will work.


Step 3. Now Woo the Prospects

The next course of action is to create content that appeals to these leads. Look at the pages they visited while at your site, the type of questions they ask on online forums and try to create content that gives solutions to these problems. Where possible, write multiple well-researched posts on relevant topics to cover all angles.

ABM is a far more focused approach than other marketing methods and that is why it appeals to so many businesses. Answering the questions that your target market is genuinely asking will ensure repeat visitors and customers once it is implemented correctly.

Failing to create the right content or develop the right targeting strategy will mean your efforts have been wasted, ensure your copy and pitch are being received appropriately.

4. Deliver the Content to your Target Audience

With the content ready, the challenge will now be to deliver it to the right hands. We recommend dividing the prospects into tiers and then using personalized outreach channels for each tier. For instance, you can use targeted PPC ads or LinkedIn messages for the higher tiers and normal email marketing for lower tiers.

You can target existing companies to allow for swift upselling and cross-selling, through personalized emails.

For new site visitors, ads and well-placed links within your site are ideal ways to highlight new content and products.

ABM, is it the future?

ABM is not the future, but a method that has been growing in use for years. Companies need to take advantage and use ABM and Leads5050 to increase their sales and brand awareness.

AMB reduces time wasted on unfulfilling content and product launches reduce costs associated with creating this content and allows business to focus on the most worthwhile leads and customers.

Leads5050 provides businesses with the insights to make the most from their website and business, it is up to the marketing and sales teams to use this information effectively.

Leads5050 knows the companies visiting your website


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