5 Ways to Use Leads5050 Information to Help Your Business

Having started using leads5050 and seeing the information available to you and your team, you may be left scratching your head about how to use this information to further your businesses position. Looking at several key areas and information provided by leads5050 we can help you establish some new ways to utilise this information to your advantage. Converting the leads into sales can be a daunting task but using the following information you should be able to narrow down your search and focus on the leads which will make a difference to your business.

While we can’t predict human behaviour, analyzing lead data can help you position your business and generate higher sales figures. Here are five ways you can use lead information to help your business:


1. Analyse Individual Behaviours and Create Suitable Marketing Strategies

Advanced lead generation and analytical tools at leads5050 can give you a clear picture of how your leads behave when interacting with your content. You can see the latest and most frequent visitors, country frequency table, the pages they click, client assessment and a host of other valuable information portals through your dashboard. Leads5050 intuitive sales funnel will even break down your site visitors into categories of the most prominent to the less likely lead candidates, taking a lot of the analyzing off your hands.

With this information, you can easily determine which are the most promising leads and which ones are unlikely to convert. That way, you can save your precious time and resources and maximize your marketing ROI by only reaching out to the people who show the most interest in your business.

2. Use Location Data to Widen Your Reach

You should place more emphasis on areas where most of your leads come from. And if you realise, you’re getting more leads from a specific, faraway location from your locality, it could be a sign that you got your business location wrong in the first place and that you need to shift for better performance. This is especially true if you run a brick-and-mortar business.

Nevertheless, this information can also be used to pivot your site information and what you provide your customers regularly. If your site visitors are in a faraway location then that means there is potential for a huge expansion of your business, or that your information has been categories incorrectly.

3. Use Email Addresses to Establish Connections

Email addresses are arguably the most important element of lead data, especially when it comes to digital marketing. They’re also the most easily acquired, as many people prefer giving their emails addresses rather than their phone numbers or physical addresses.

You can also collect your audience’s email data via targeted methods such as e-books and newsletter subscription forms. This means you only collect the email addresses of people who are highly interested in your product or brand.

With this information, you can send your leads welcome emails to thank them for signing up and tell them more about your business. It will give the impression that you’re not just another “faceless” corporation and your leads are likely to read and respond to future communications.

Though leads5050 cannot provide the email addresses of site visitors by looking at the data available it may be possible to create content or use other email capturing strategies to bolster your marketing and sales campaigns.

4. Focus on High-Value Job Titles

If you’re in B2B, it would be a waste of resources to run generalised campaigns as only a few people (CEO, CMO, Procurement Officer, etc.) make the purchasing decisions in any business. There are tools you can use to segment your leads by their likely job titles, which means you can expend more time and resources in reaching out to the key decision-makers who are likely to convert.

First focus on the site visitors, what companies are frequently on your site, what are they looking at and then you can follow up through several campaigns via LinkedIn or other preferred marketing methods.

5. Use Company Name for Personalised and More Relevant Communication

Whether you’re a B2B or B2C company, you are probably aware that leads are more impressed when you refer to them using their business names as opposed to their names. It shows that you’ve put in some effort to look them up and understand what they do.

Better yet, you can use both the personal and company names together for an even greater impression. Here’s an example:

Hi {{first name}}

I’ve talked to many other hotel owners and they’ve expressed the challenges they face in converting website visitors into actual patrons.

Is this an issue you’re facing at {{company name}}? 

Before {{company name}} used our advanced targeting tool, they only received xx visitors per week from XXXX marketing emails sent.

Leads5050 provides you with the information and tools to locate the right people in the right positions. It’s impossible to always get a response through your marketing and sales strategies but creating a more personalized approach will certainly help.


Note that the five tips discussed aren’t hard and fast rules that would work for all business. You will have to either adjust them to your situation or determine which one works best for your business.

Leads5050 takes away a lot of the hard work in identifying leads, categorizing them and determining their usefulness to your business, however, it is up to you to truly know the direction that you wish to take your business.

Capturing lead information means that your business is going in the right direction that your marketing, sales and SEO campaigns are paying off, but it’s important to use these leads to your advantage and increase the profitability of your business.

Leads5050 knows the companies visiting your website


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